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Diagnostics and Diagnosis: The High Cost of Medical Equipment Failure

When a patient complains of unseen symptoms, imaging is one of the first steps on the path to diagnosis, and ultrasound is often the first approach to diagnostic imaging. But what happens when an ultrasound probe is faulty?

Diagnostic integrity relies on the information provided by the ultrasound system and the probe being used. If a probe is only partially functional, it may deliver an incomplete or inaccurate picture. The accuracy of the diagnosis is immediately called into question — along with the provider’s standard of patient care.

No room for defects or errors

Diagnosing ailments below the skin’s surface typically requires advanced imaging. Without it, clinicians can’t see an inflamed gall bladder or identify a tumor. Ultrasound probes provide real-time visual access for accurate diagnostic insights.

Defective probes may obstruct the field of view in the ultrasound image, which may skew a diagnosis. Noise emanating from a faulty probe matrix may mask the strength of a fetal heartbeat or distort the image of an elderly patient’s carotid artery. Unclear or missing details can lead to misdiagnosis — with potentially catastrophic results. At best, faulty imaging can impede or delay treatment. In the worst case, it may mean the difference between life and death. In either case, poor diagnostic imaging carries unacceptable, and entirely avoidable, costs.

The cost of medical equipment failure

The costs associated with medical equipment failure fall into two primary categories: financial and standard of care. Financial costs may include:

  • Additional diagnostic testing.
  • Malpractice fees and settlements.
  • Treatment adjustments or corrections.

Potential standard of care costs include:

  • Poor professional reputation.
  • Scheduling and logistical chaos.
  • Poor — or devastating — patient health outcomes.

A single faulty probe can be the catalyst for any or all these costs. What could happen if faulty piezoelectric components were responsible for an undiagnosed case of pancreatitis? How would your facility handle a case of arrhythmia misdiagnosis due to probe failure? What if a probe malfunction led to a diagnostic appointment cancellation for a patient with an embolism?

With faulty probes, it can often be difficult to recognize errors — or even that an error has occurred — which makes the potential for missed, overlooked, or misinterpreted diagnostic results a sobering prospect. But when imaging equipment functions as expected and delivers clear results, physicians can accurately assess diagnostic data to arrive at the right diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of treatment.

To mitigate the financial costs of ultrasound probe failure and provide your patients with the highest standard of quality care, contact Acertara for probe assessment, calibration, maintenance, repair, and/or replacement.

January 23, 2022 Blog