News & Articles

CT Parts & Repairs

At Acertara, we are continuing to support health systems around the world with ultrasound needs. We have been doing everything we can to find new and innovative ways to assist hospitals in combating COVID-19. One way Acertara is helping in the battle against COVID-19 is the expansion of products and services.

Acertara has expanded our offerings to include CT parts sales. We have access to over 10,000 CT parts on the shelf, tested, and ready to ship!

Commonly Replaced Parts:

  • CT system’s carbon brushes: Major OEMs recommend that replacement of CT system’s carbon brushes at least once a year. If the brushes haven’t been replaced in several years, it can lead to a variety of issues. The carbon brushes should be checked during all PMs.
  • Potentiometers and Encoders: When potentiometers or encoders fail, the device will start moving very slowly or simply stop.
  • Cooling Units: It is recommended that the cooling units be replaced during scheduled PMs to avoid lengthy system down times. Too often, sites wait for the units to completely burn out. A failing cooling unit has a negative impact on the X-ray tubes and detectors.
  • Hand and Foot Switches: Due to normal wear and tear, repetitive use, and accidental damage, hand and foot switches are frequently replaced.
  • C-Arm Cables: Connector pins and cables bend, break, and short out due to repetitive use. This type of damage leads to a bad connection.

Our goal to help limit system downtime so healthcare facilities can serve patients and save lives. If you’re ready to order, contact our Customer Service Team!

April 13, 2020 Blog