Employee Spotlight: Jim
Tell us a little about yourself and your role at Acertara?
My name is Jim Vernay. I have had a long career in electronic design and am honored to further it with Acertara. I love it here in Longmont and am grateful to be in this wonderful state. In my free time, I love to ski, play guitar, and go exploring. My role with Acertara is as Principal Electrical Engineer.
If you could pick one theme for Acertara to turn into a book about the company, what would it be?
A sci-fi book about medical equipment running amuck. Of all the companies who try to fix the problem, Acertara is the only one who succeeds.
What do you like most about Acertara?
I like the challenge to the role; it keeps me interested and focused every day. The position is very interesting, and the people are wonderful!
What is your favorite movie and/or book?
The Martian
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?
Bobcat Goldthwait, just because I would enjoy hearing him do a narration.
If you were stuck on an island what three things would you bring?
Seeds for a vegetable garden, a fishing rod, a helicopter.